We Happy Few Wiki

Workbenches are crafting tables specifically used for crafting gadgets and other mechanical materials that require a higher ranking.

The player can use a Workbench Upgrade Kit to upgrade the standard Workbench in that particular area, allowing the player to craft new mechanical items of a higher rank.


A total of 2 blueprints can spawn on a workbench, though because of how the world generates, blueprints will first spawn on the benches in the overworld, then spawn on benches underneath the ground.

The player's best bet of finding blueprints is to first find the blueprints in the overworld before finding the blueprints in the underground hatches.

Buff LuckyBreak Locations[]

Workbenches can be found in every single safe house in Wellington Wells, though they can also be found in Wastrel's Houses.

There are two workbenches outside of Nick's Fab Pad.

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • Sally cannot use the workbench due to her personal perks.
  • During Alpha, the Workbench was called Mechanical Bench.
  • If the player acquires the book, Engineer, they won't need a Workbench to craft rank 1 mechanical items.

Buff Preservasionist Gallery[]
