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We Happy Few Wiki

The Weapons Tab

Weapons are equip-able items that can be used for defense and/or combat purposes.

Buff SluggerAgain Combat[]


Combat is pretty simple; keep an eye on the stamina bar, block any upcoming attacks from the opponent, and swing at them when they're not blocking.

The player is able to use their fists to hurt their opponent, although it is much better to use a weapon as it can not only do more damage, but also block upcoming attacks. Some weapons can also hurt more than one enemy.

Unlike fists, weapons will take a cut of the player's stamina, and the amount of stamina a weapon will take varies depending on the length of the weapon.

If the player finds themselves in a mob, only one of the enemies will attack the player at a time, although the other will be able to throw bricks or rocks at them, as well as pushing them around.


If timed just right, the player can throw their opponent off guard by blocking their attack the moment they're about to get hit. Doing this gives the player a second to quickly strike back at their enemy while they're disoriented.

Debilitating the Enemy[]

The player is able to debilitate their enemy through various means, the easiest of which is by shoving them. One shove is enough to back the enemy up and make them stagger, but a second shove will bring them to the ground and leave them open to get whacked by the player.

Weapons that deal electrical damage have a chance of making the enemy get stunned, leaving them swaying and open for the player's attacks.

Sometimes, the player is able to break the opponent's weapon, and the chance of breaking their weapon can be enhanced by maxing out skills. This action has a small chance of leaving the opponent stunned.

Dodging Ranged Weapons[]

It's possible for the player to avoid getting hit by ranged weapons that the enemy may throw, all the player has to do is swing their melee weapon.

However, the player will have to make sure they swing the millisecond the enemy is about to throw their weapon, and they also have to make sure their aim is high enough to hit the projectile so that they don't miss it and accidentally get hurt.

It's arguably much easier to simply attack the enemy considering they're effectively defenseless with a ranged weapon.

Finishing Blow[]

If the opponent's health is low and they're stunned (either by electricity or hard hits), the player can perform a finishing move that not only kills or incapacitates the enemy (depends on the weapon), but also flings them back a fair bit. This can only be done by wielding melee weapons.

The animation is different depending on whether the player is in front of the enemy, or behind them.

Stamina Regeneration[]

To regain stamina quickly, the player will have to stay idle and not block with their weapon, as that reduces the speed of which stamina is regained. If the player was hit by a strong attack, it's possible for the stamina to take a few seconds before regaining again.

Throwing Ranged Weapons/Items[]

When wielding a ranged weapon, the player will automatically aim at the closest target. However, the player can also manually aim their throw at a desired location by holding down the attack button.

While manually aiming, the game will display a red laser-like line that shows the trajectory of the throw, with a white reticle showing the point of impact. If the throw is aimed at an NPC; they will be highlighted by a white outline, even through walls.

When thrown, the ranged weapon will fly in the set trajectory until it impacts the surface or NPC. Some weapons will be destroyed in the process, while others won't.

  • If it hits a surface or object, it will cause a distraction that will attract the attention of nearby NPCs, who'll go over to investigate the sound, allowing the player to sneak past them or get behind them for a takedown.
    • If the NPC notices the player- either before investigating the sound or during the investigation, they'll either aggro directly on to them, or get suspicious first. If they're suspicious at first, they'll soon go back to their regular routine. Forcing the player to distract them again with another ranged weapon.
  • If it hits an NPC, it will cause the NPC to go into combat. They'll also be fully aware of the player's position, unless the player is concealed.
    • If the player is already concealed, but throws the ranged weapon at an NPC, there's a split second in which they're fully exposed through their cover. If the NPC is facing the player's hiding spot while getting the ranged weapon thrown at them, they'll be able to see them through their cover no matter what.

Ranged weapons can also be used to trigger tripwires from a safe distance.

If the player wants to cancel the throw, they have to press the block button (right click for mouses, and left trigger for controllers.)

Buff LuckyBreak Locations[]

Weapons can be found pretty much anywhere, but are most commonly found inside of houses or on dead NPCs, they can also be bought from certain shops. The weapons taken from NPCs are commonly close to breaking, though sometimes they're completely intact.

Weapons with low durability can still be crafted into stronger weapons, though some require multiple weapons with low durability as they can appear as '0.5' in the crafting menu.

Buff StabbyStab List of Weapons[]

Lethal Melee Weapons[]

Icon Name Craftable
AxeIcon Axe No
BattleProdIcon Battle Prod No
BobbyTruncheonIcon-0 Bobby Truncheon No
BranchIcon Branch No
BrollyIcon Brolly No
DirtyCleaverIcon Cleaver No
CricketBatIcon Cricket Bat No
DoublePlusWoodIcon The "Double Plus Wood" Yes
We Happy Few M Double Knocker Double Knocker Yes
CleanCleaverIcon The "Eager Cleaver" Yes
BadBatIcon Flimsy Cricket Bat No
FryingPanIcon Frying Pan No
Head Knocker icon Head Knocker Yes
JustNotCricketIcon The "Just Not Cricket" Bat Yes
Lead Pipe icon Lead Pipe No
LeeRifleIcon Lee-Enfield Rifle No
We Happy Few M No Questions Axe The "No Questions Axe" Yes
PipeDownIcon. The "Pipe Down" Yes
Pointy Stick icon Pointy Stick Yes
RollingPinIcon Rolling Pin No
SandmanIcon The "Sandman" Yes
CleanShovelIcon Shovel No
SpitfireIcon The "Spitfire" Yes
WinnerArgumentIcon The "Winning Argument" Yes
Wrench Wrench No

Non-Lethal Melee Weapons[]

Icon Name Craftable
BerserkSpikeIcon Berserk Spike Yes
CrashSyringeIcon Crash Syringe Yes
Electric Truncheon icon Electric Truncheon Yes
HallucinAtomizerIcon Hallucinex Atomizer Yes
TheHelpIcon "The Help" Yes
JackNipperIcon "Jack The Nipper" Yes
MothersHelperIcon "Mother's Little Helper" Yes
NightyNightIcon The "Nighty Night" Yes
SledgerIcon The "Sledger" Yes
TheHelpIcon "The Staff" No
SleeptiteAtomizerIcon Sleeptite Atomizer Yes
TicklerIcon The "Tickler" No

Ranged Weapons[]

Icon Name Craftable Lethal
AlchemistBangerIcon Alchemical Banger No Yes
BangerIcon Banger Yes Yes
BerserkBombIcon Berserk Bomb Yes No
BiggerBangerIcon Bigger Banger Yes Yes
BlueMolotovIcon Blue Molotov Yes Yes
BrickIcon Brick No Yes
CrashBangerIcon Crash Bomb Yes No
EnhancedRockIcon Enhanced Rock Yes Yes
RockIcon Rock No Yes
GrenadeIcon-0 Shock Grenade Yes No
SmokeBangerIcon Smoke Bomb Yes No
BrickSpikyIcon Spiky Brick Yes Yes
VomitBombIcon Vomit Bomb Yes No

DLC Weapons[]

Icon Name DLC
RayGunIcon Ray Gun They Came From Below
NicksGuitarIcon Nick's Guitar Lightbearer
VickywhipIcon Victoria's Whip We All Fall Down
VicDartGunIcon Dart Gun We All Fall Down

Pre-Order Reward Weapons[]

Icon Name
JolliestBrollyIcon Jolliest Brolly
JollyBrollyIcon Jolly Brolly
LeastBrollyIcon Least Jolly Brolly
NotJollyBrollyIcon Not So Jolly Brolly

Buff Frenzy Removed Weapons[]

See Removed Content
