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Superb Meat Boy is a side quest in We Happy Few. It takes place in St. George's Holm during Act I.

Buff StalwartBasic Objectives[]

  • Investigate Ed's tardiness
  • Where are you, Ed?
  • Go check on Ed
  • Chase off the Plough Boys
  • Talk to Ed
  • Pick up the packages
  • Deliver the Delivery Boy's deliveries
  • Talk to the Butcher

Buff EarsToTheGround In-Game Description[]

So Ed McMillen's Mr. Cutty's meat boy now. He was the only friend Percy ever really had. They were always making both of them stay after school. I'm glad he found a job.

I guess his parents aren't looking after him any more. Someone should. Maybe I should see what's happened. I wonder if he's missed any more deliveries.

He's missed several of his deliveries. I hope he's okay.

What's he's got to do with the Plough Boys? This can't be good. I'd best go see if he's in trouble.

I am strongly considering rescuing poor Ed.

Those bastards broke his legs!

How'd he get mixed up with those thugs?

Ed's not going to be delivering anything any time soon.

I'll let Reg know what's gone on, but I ought to drop Ed's deliveries off first.

Well, let's not keep those nice people waiting.

That's more than I ever wanted to know about how sausage is made.

I'll just drop this... stuff... off at the Butcher's, and let him do... whatever it is he does.

Buff TrackStar Walkthrough[]

When wandering around in St. George's Holm, the player might come across an impatient person outside of a Wellie's house. When talking to them, they'll tell Arthur they're waiting for the Butcher's boy, Edmund MacMillan. The player then has to find two other impatient people and talk to them too, the last one will reveal they saw Ed in an alleyway where the street gang, the Plough Boys, convene.

The player will find the alleyway on their map.

When entering the alleyway, Arthur will intervene the Plough Boys surrounding Ed. After the leader recognizes Arthur as Victoria's pet, they initiate combat.

The player only has to defeat the leader in order to make the others leave, the one with the pompadour.

After the boys run away, Arthur has to talk to Ed, who reveals that he doesn't want to be a delivery boy anymore and Arthur offers to deliver the packages for him, as his legs are broken.

After picking up the packages, the player has to deliver them to the three impatient people they talked to earlier. Each of which will give Arthur their own packages for the Butcher. The player now has to go to the Butcher and talk to him.

The Butcher asks if Arthur could get him another errand. The quest ends with Reg giving the player the location for the cart, starting Possibly Heinous Package.

Buff Forager Collectibles[]

3 skill points

Buff SilverTongue Transcript[]

Plough Boys[]


Arthur: Hey! Leave him alone!

Leader: Hey! Fuck off!

Arthur: Why don't you pick on someone who can defend himself?

Leader: Why the fuck would we do that?

Leader: Oh, it's Arthur Hastings! Miss Victoria's pet. Boys, this is our lucky day!



Ed: Arthur?

Arthur: You all right?

Ed: My legs won't walk, I think they're broken.

Arthur: Did the Plough Boys say why they were hurting you?

Ed: They said they was having their fun.

Arthur: Here. I'll take you to the pub. They'll get you a doctor.

Ed: They know me there. Sometimes they give me treats.

Ed: I don't want to be a meat boy any more, Arthur.

Arthur: Do you want me to tell the Butcher?

Ed: He'll be mad that I didn't deliver the packages.

Arthur: Do you want me to deliver them for you?

Ed: You're good, Arthur. Percy always said so. I bet he'd let you be the new meat boy, if you wanted.

Ed: The packages always say where to go. He writes them, so I don't get lost.

Victory Errand[]


Arthur: I've got your package.

Wellette: You are a dear. And here's a package for the butcher.

Arthur: Am I supposed to pick something up?

Wellette: I found some mushrooms in the attic. I'm pretty sure they're edible. And a tin of axle grease. And some V-meat. I won't eat it when it's gone off like that.

Arthur: What does he do with all that?

Wellette: Ooo, that's his special magic power! He makes sausages out of the most atrocious things, and they taste wonderful! I'm sure he'll give you one. It's how he pays for the deliveries!

Arthur: Well, that's something to look forward to.


Arthur: Sorry about the wait.

Wellette: Oh, that's a relief! And this is for him.

Arthur: Mushrooms?

Wellette: No, dear. I supply him with the very freshest meat.

Wellette: Anyone can put a trap where they like to run, you see. But they won't go for V-meat any more. I make it smell a bit rotten. They run right in. Can't help themselves!

Arthur: I'll bear that in mind.

Wellette: I hear he's open to ... new sources.

Arthur: New ... sources?


Arthur: I think I have a package for you. Yes, this is it.

Wellette: Oh, lovely, lovely. Won't my man be pleased. So hard to find a decent cut of meat these days.

Arthur: About that ... where does he get the meat?

Wellette: Oh! Ho ho! Transubstantiation, I hope! Hah hah! Thanks so much! Have a lovely day!



Reg: I don't suppose you've seen my meat boy? Edmund?

Arthur: The, uh, Plough Boys broke his legs.

Reg: Oh, that's a damn shame. He's simple, y'know, but reliable.

Arthur: I dropped off his packages. And, uh, the ladies gave me these.

Reg: Oh, lovely! There's quite a shortage of cows in Hamlyn, I can tell ye that, ha ha!

Reg: Listen, I have one small ... errand, if you're up for it. I'll give you what I pay Edmund.

Arthur: An errand?

Reg: Another pickup. Kind of big.

Arthur: How big?

Reg: How tall would you say you are? About six foot? About six feet big. My ... source had it on a cart ... here, I'll give you a map.

Reg: It's near where that statue used to be, you know, the Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit and the, uh, woman? You know, where they were going to build a bandshell, but then they didn't?

Arthur: I know the place. I, uh, can't make any promises.

Reg: Of course not. Nod is as good as a wink, say no more, say no more.

Reg: I'll make sure they write on the package where you're supposed to take it. It's a bit awkward to bring it directly here, hah hah.

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • The name of the quest is a reference to the video game, Super Meat Boy. Even the delivery boy's name, Edmund MacMillan, is a reference to the the creator, Edmund McMillen.
  • After delivering all packages to the women, Arthur will sing "I'm off to see the Butcher, the wonderful Butcher of ours". This is a reference to the song that sings in the movie The Wizard of Oz, "We're off to see the Wizard".

Buff Preservasionist Gallery[]
