We Happy Few Wiki

The Space God People is a cult in Lud's Holm, only found in Act II.


As more and more people in Hamlyn Village got driven out by the locals, the Wastrel population grew to significant size. The more that the Wastrels remembered what they had done back during 'The Very Bad Thing', the more they began to hate their current circumstances.

The former proper citizens who now reside in the Garden District developed a strong negative outlook on life, others hated it to an extreme, and some began to hate the very core of their own beings. These people wished to escape the wretched place that was the Garden District, and seek transcendence.

Ransom McKenzie became the leader of the Space God People, promising that they will be able to escape the Garden District once and for all, but only under certain conditions.

The day the followers decided to perform what Ransom had ordered them to do, Sally steps in and rescues the followers from performing mass suicide, and instead gets them to see the world in a better light.

Judging by the appearances of the Yam People, it can be assumed that they are also part of the Space God People's cult, but managed to take over the Gardner House when Ransom was dealt with by Sally.


Those who follow the Space God People are all unusually pale, almost to the point of their skin appearing white. They also wear gray tattered clothes, have no hair. According to Sally, they also wear sigils.

They, just like the Yam Cult, have floating mushrooms over their heads.


Space God People[]

The Space God People hate living in the world, most likely due to what brought them there in the first place, but they also hate living within themselves. They call their bodies "flesh bags" and say they don't know their higher purpose.

To fix this, the leader decides the entire cult should perform a mass suicide in order to Transcend.

Ransom McKenzie, the leader, asks his followers if they truly hate it enough, that anybody could say they hate living in their "flesh bags", but are afraid to jump because they're too scared. He says that they have to truly hate living within their bodies in order for their "Pickup Vehicle" to take them to a better life, even if they don't believe the "Pickup Vehicle" really exists.

He says that Jesus Christ once said "For whoever will save his life shall lose it." and that the Hindus seek moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth. He means that those believers fully embrace the next world joyfully gives up in the current one they're occupying.

Ransom later claims that he himself have been on the "Pickup Vehicle", and that he has talked to The Transcended, both human and alien. He says that he would've been happy to have stayed, but that if he had, he wouldn't have been able to tell his followers the "Good News."

The leader denies that their mass suicide attempt is martyrdom, that it just merely looks like martyrdom to those who have no experience in rituals. He says that they will not be able to float up to the "Pickup Vehicle" if they're being weighed down by their "Flesh Bags."

He justifies that this act is not suicide, as suicide is "giving up," while what they're doing is "taking a leap of faith." They have faith that The Transcended will catch them on their way to the vehicle.



  • There are many similarities between the Space God People and Heaven's Gate, an American doomsday/suicide cult.
    • Heaven's Gate used a mixture of phenobarbital (epilepsy medication) and apple sauce/pudding before downing it with vodka. Similarly, the Space God People also made a lethal mixture, however, it's unknown what the other ingredients were besides Digitalax.
    • Heaven's Gate rented a mansion in Rancho Santa Fe, California, where they'd perform their mass suicide. The Space God People decided to attempt their mass suicide in the Gardner House, considered to be a mansion.
    • Heaven's Gate believed that they had to evacuate the earth, to leave their bodies behind whilst their souls got picked up by a spacecraft hidden behind Comet Hale-Bopp. The Space God People believed that their souls would leave their 'flesh bags' and get picked up by The Transcendent on the pickup vehicle. Judging by the writings on the large rocks, it can be assumed that the 'pickup vehicle' is also a comet of some sort.
    • Both groups had different views on what suicide meant. Heaven's Gate claimed that suicide was to "turn against the Next Level when it is being offered," and that their bodies were just vessels meant to help them on their journey. the Space God People define suicide as "giving up", and that they are just "taking a leap of faith."
    • Members of Heaven's Gate all worse the same clothes, which was done to remove individuality and "form unity." The members of the Space God People all wear torn grey suits and dresses, and shaved heads.
  • The Space God People utilises techniques often used by real cults. Similarities in appearance, reduction of independent thought, incorrect definitions, pressure, and deceit are only some of the things that many cults use to indoctrinate vulnerable people into their harmful groups.