We Happy Few Wiki

"People are starving! Don't you understand? We are witnessing the end!"
— Reg when repairing the Extruder.

Reg Cutty is a butcher and the owner of Cutty's Shop in Wellington Wells. He is the creator of Victory Meat.

Buff EasilyForgotten Appearance[]

Reg Cutty is a cheerful middle-aged man with a red butcher's apron, large round glasses, and a sun hat. He has a small moustache, brown hair and blue eyes.

Buff TypicallyBritish History[]

Not much is known about Cutty's early life. His butcher's shop was opened in 1912, presumably by his father. Cutty became the owner of the store at some point before World War II began. He was married to a woman named Marta, with whom he shared a son; Marta and their son seemingly chose to leave the country at an unknown time, but Cutty opted to stay behind. It's implied through a note and several pieces of dialogue that Cutty was particularly eager to help the Germans during their occupation of Wellington Wells, and he may have done something terrible in service to them.

At some point after the Germans left Wellington Wells, Cutty sought to join the Home Army and attempted to win them over with sausages. He received a letter in response telling him that he could be too old to become a solider, and that more time and sauages would be needed to convince the Homy Army to let him join.

Closer to the events of We Happy Few, Cutty became aware of the lack of food available in Wellington Wells, as the number of animals available for him to sell gradually decreased. Fearing both the potential loss of his business and widespread starvation across the city, Cutty created Victory Meat: pressed meat primarily made from human carcasses. Cutty also hired Edmund MacMillan to deliver packages to his Wellie customers, who in exchange would give him dubiously sourced meat to add to his creations.

Buff PureBliss Events of We Happy Few[]

Act I[]

Cutty is met after Arthur Hastings finds Edumund MacMillan with his legs broken, and finishes his delivery round for him. Arthur returns to Cutty's shop with his customers' "donations", and he tasks Arthur with fetching a "package" for him. The package in question is a human cadaver that is being investigated by the Bobbies. After the package is returned to Cutty, he will offer Arthur a job as his new apprentice.

If Arthur accepts the job offer, he attempts to pass through a door to the back of the store, but is suddenly electrocuted and rendered unconscious. Arthur later wakes up in Cutty's Mechanical Kitchen: a dark and gruesome area where meat deliveries are prepped. Arthur then is forced to operate the machines and prepare the cadaver that he delivered.

As Cutty instructs Arthur on how to work the machinery over a PA system, dialogue between the two showcases Cutty's twisted mindset. He frequently zaps Arthur for either "taking too long", or for inputting the wrong sequence of buttons, as he processes the meat.

Cutty eventually allows Arthur to take a break, during which time he devises a plan to escape. After jamming a machine with a piece of metal, he sneakily ducks off to Cutty's cellar, only to have Cutty corner him. If Arthur is caught, he is zapped unconscious and simply forced back to work.

Arthur manages to back upstairs to discover a confused Red Bobby. Arthur explains the situation, the horrified Red Bobby agrees to arrest Cutty; Arthur then exits Cutty's shop and sees him being taken away by the Red Bobby. Cutty shouts in defence, claiming that he was only trying to feed people and not let good meat go to waste.

Act II and III[]

Reg Cutty will operate at his shop as usual. Strangely, and perhaps unintentionally, there comes a point in time when he won't sell anything anymore.

HeaderNotes Related Notes[]

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • "Reg" is the short form of "Reginald".
  • Reg has a deceased man named Michael Cutting in his cellar. Their relation is currently unknown, though their surnames are rather similar.
  • During The Slaughterer's Apprentice, Cutty speaks a line of German, then hastily covers over his slip, possibly implying that he's of German heritage; in a similar vein, his wife, Marta, has a traditionally non-British name.
  • Some time during Early Access, when Reg came running in to fix the machine, he'd yell, "You maniac, you blew it up! Oh, damn you, God damn you to hell!" This is a reference to the famous last line spoken by Charlton Heston's character in Planet Of The Apes (1968).

Buff SilverTongue List of Quotes[]

Possibly Heinous Package[]

  • Look, my job has been getting ... complicated. I could certainly use an apprentice. Would you like a permanent position?

The Slaughterer's Apprentice[]

  • I've had to go to ... "extraordinary measures" ... to keep this town fed. But we are in an extraordinary situation, aren't we? You were so helpful bringing that package. Now we need to process it.
  • I'm not proposing to hurt anyone, you understand. Just ... ignore a silly old taboo.
  • And people say you can't get good help these days.
  • It's just for a little while, Arthur, while you get up to speed. The job we do is so very important to Wellington Wells. The fact is, we've run out of rats and ravens.
  • We are here to let people deny uncomfortable things. So they can get on with their lives.
  • On with the exfoliating. Press the button, check functional integrity, und so weiter. I mean, and so forth.
  • Have you done nothing you regret? Or is it just that you have all your regrets neatly wrapped up in brown paper, so you can pretend you don't know how it got there? At least I look at the blood, and the flesh, and the bone. At least I remember.
  • Butchers used to be priests, did you know that? We were the ones who sacrificed the bull to the goddess Athena, and offer Her the bones and the fat. And then they got the meat to the people. And among the Hebrews, the butcher is still a holy man. He has to know the Talmudic laws. We're Hierophants. Priests. We deal with the freshly dead, and we expiate the sin of spilling their blood. We are the guardians of the watchtowers between the living and the dead.
  • Don't you think we have a responsibility to the former owner of the carcass? To not waste the food?
  • People are starving! Don't you understand? We are witnessing the end!
  • You're not in the cellar are you?!
  • You can't do this to me! I'm pillar of the community! It's all lies! I never! Those are all perfectly legitimate machines! I'm only trying to feed people! We're letting perfectly good meat go rotten! That's insane!

Working Too Slow[]

  • Come on, don't dawdle!
  • I want you focusing on the job. This is no time to daydream!
  • You're a smart lad, speed it up!

Wrong Delivery[]

  • All I'm asking is for you to push the buttons that match the order. How hard can that be?
  • No, no, no. That's not what it says on the board! Try again.
  • That's not what the order is! Try again!

Correct Delivery[]

  • I wish we had more butchers! I could start franchising!
  • I'm very impressed.
  • Isn't it an amazing system? I'm quite proud of all the automation.
  • You're doing well. And doing good, too!

A Job Well Done[]

  • And... look at that! I'm all out of orders! I think the new system is working brilliantly.
  • You're doing a lovely job. Why don't you take a short break and get something to eat.
  • Why don't you get some rest. I bet we'll fill twice as many orders tomorrow!

Observing Cellar During Break[]

  • Back to work, nosy parker.



  • Apprentice to the extruder room please, apprentice to the extruder room!
  • Are you skulking about somewhere?
  • Don't wander off, I'll need you here as soon as I get this up and running again!
  • Heavens, this is clogged up something proper!
  • Nnnng... damn thing...


  • Come now, most unbecoming behaviour!
  • Come now, there are mouths to feed! There's a good chap.
  • Come now, this is no way for an apprentice to behave!
  • Come now, your sense of duty?

Buff Preservasionist Reg's Gallery[]
