We Happy Few Wiki
We Happy Few Wiki

The Outfits Tab

Outfits are pieces of clothing in We Happy Few that serve a variety of purposes for the player. Players can equip a piece of headgear, an outfit, and a pair of footwear that affect their ability to conform in different parts of Wellington Wells, and also provide protection or buffs to certain abilities. They can also be used in Lightbearer, though they are more situational.

All pieces of clothing (outside of quest items) and inventory expansion kits can be accessed from the inventory by selecting the 'Outfits' icon.

Buff TechFriendly Overview[]

Conformity is necessary for survival in Wellington Wells. Different outfits conform in different areas; if the player isn't wearing clothes deemed socially acceptable for the area, they'll be met with suspicion and, eventually, aggression. To avoid confrontation, the player should consider what outfit they are wearing before entering an area.

The Wellies of Hamlyn Village will see the player for the Downer that they are unless they dress properly; this means avoiding clothes which stand out or are ripped. Conversely, the Wastrels of the Garden District will become jealous of the player if they are dressed in fancy or clean clothes that remind them of the society that they were forced to leave. Every NPC will take note of the player's clothes, with the exception of Plague Wastrels.

There are clothes that do not conform in any area, as well as some that conform everywhere. Some pieces of clothing also have special perks that aid the player in some way. This includes items that make the player immune to fire/electrical damage, or provide armour and protection from bee stings. Some outfits also work as disguises and allow the player to enter areas that they otherwise would be seen as suspicious in.

Buff LuckyBreak Locations[]

Outfits, hats, and shoes are rarely found in the world, so the best way to find clothes is through crafting or purchasing from shops. Some outfits can only be gathered or unlocked through side quests.

Blueprints for clothes appear randomly in the world, generally on top of Workbenches and Chemistry Sets.

Sally cannot use workbenches, meaning the player has to rely on Mrs. Pankhurst's shop, A Stitch in Time.

TabMenuNotes List of Outfits[]

Icon Name Conformity
WorkerIcon-0 Boiler Suit Hamlyn Village
FabSuitIcon-0 Fab Threads Hamlyn Village
FirefighterIcon-0 Fireman's Coat Hamlyn Village
PaddedSuitIcon-0 Padded Suit Nowhere
ProperArthurIcon-0 Proper Suit Hamlyn Village
ReinforcedSuitIcon-0 Reinforced Padded Suit Nowhere
CatSuitIcon-0 Rubber Cat Suit The Reform Club
SneakThiefArthurIcon-0 Sneak Thief Outfit Nowhere
SpikySuitIcon-0 Spiky Suit Nowhere
BurglarArthurIcon-0 Suit of Blending Nowhere
TornIcon-0 Torn Suit Garden District

TabMenuNotes List of Headgear[]

Icon Name Conformity
HelmetIcon-0 Broken Helmet Everywhere
HealedHelmetIcon-0 Bobby Helmet Everywhere
GasIcon-0 Gas Mask Everywhere

TabMenuNotes List of Footwear[]

Icon Name Conformity
ArmyBootsIcon Army Boots Everywhere
BoxersIcon-0 Boxing Shoes Everywhere
ProperShoeIcon Proper Shoes Everywhere
RidingBootsIcon-0 Riding Boots Everywhere
SneakyIcon-0 Sneaky Shoes Everywhere
SteelToeIcon-0 Steel-Toed Boots Everywhere
TrainersIcon-0 Trainers Everywhere

TabMenuNotes List of Expansion Kits[]

Icon Name Usage
InventoryExpansionIcon Inventory Expansion Single-Use
Pocket Expansion Kit icon Pocket Expansion Kit Single Use

TabMenuNotes List of Quest Outfits[]

Icon Name Conformity
AdulatorIcon Adulator Everywhere
MaidIcon Maid Outfit Hamlyn Village
MilitaryIcon-0 Military Uniform Garden District
NicksFabThreadsIcon Nick's Glad Rags Hamlyn Village
NickMaskWig Nick's Wig and Mask Hamlyn Village

TabMenuNotes Outfits in The Night Watch[]

Icon Name Conformity
Bobbysuit Bobby Uniform Hamlyn Village

TabMenuNotes Outfits in Lightbearer[]

Icon Name Conformity
Bellboyicon Bellboy Uniform N/A
Bloodysuiticon Bloody Threads N/A
NicksFabThreadsIcon Nick's Fab Threads N/A

TabMenuNotes Unobtainable Outfits[]

Icon Name Conformity
Gasmaskicon2 Better Gas Mask Everywhere

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • Arthur and Sally are the only two playable characters in the base game that can take their clothes off completely; Ollie cannot. Nick Lightbearer is also able to do so during Lightbearer.
    • If the player were to wear a piece of clothing that does not have modelled arms, the default arms appear. For both Arthur and Sally, they become naked, whilst Ollie appears to be wearing his usual Military Uniform.