We Happy Few Wiki

Victory Gardens' gates.

Mrs. Sackville's Garden is a location in We Happy Few, only available in Act I and Survival Mode.

Buff PureBliss Events of We Happy Few[]

Act I[]

Related to the quest, Lilies of the Field.

Arthur stumbles across Mrs. Sackville crying and offers to help, she needs lily bulbs to grow new ones. After giving her the bulbs, she gives Arthur the key to her garden.

Survival Mode[]

The garden has a chance of spawning in the world. The gates will be unlocked, and the Boat Capacitor is inside the shed, behind the crate.

Buff TechFriendly Layout[]

Mrs. Sackville's Garden is a small garden that has three patches of loose dirt, one containing a different kind of vegetable.

The player can dig up each dirt pile for three singular potatoes, carrots, or onions. They do not regrow. Near the patches are bushes of Gilead Roses and Blue Currants.

There's a small shed nearby with a flower pot next to the door, inside the shed is a rusty shovel and a red crate.

Buff Forager Loot[]

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • The signs on the dirt piles are the latin names for each of the vegetables.
    • The carrots are a subspecies, Sativus, which means it's domesticated/cultivated.
  • The garden is actually the Victory Gardens, as read from the signs. Though, the signs are covered up by the vines.

Buff Preservasionist Gallery[]
