Knockout Syringe is a gadget in We Happy Few, only obtainable by Sally Boyle.
Knockout Syringes can only be found, crafted and used during Act II, where their purpose is to knock out unaware NPCs. They're considered essential due to Sally's gameplay being heavily focused on stealth.
The player needs to have the 'Sweet Dreams' skill unlocked in order to be able to use the syringes. Once this is done, the player can sneak up behind any NPC, including Bobbies and Joy Doctors, and knock them out at any time.
At the beginning of Act II, the player gets one Knockout Syringe from the Emergency Kit as a quest item, which is used to knock out Spud Murphy.
The Knockout Syringes have to be crafted because they cannot be found anywhere in the world, with the exception of a special house in the Garden District which has been taken over by Headboys. If the player is in need of Knockout Syringes, it's suggested to loot this house if they happen to find it.
Be aware that the special house does not show up on the map as a Point of Interest, so it's best to mark it with the custom marker.
- The liquid inside the syringe is blue.
- Sally's knockout animation is a little faster compared to Arthur's and Ollie's.