We Happy Few Wiki
We Happy Few Wiki

Hunger is one of the basic measurements in We Happy Few that keeps track of the player's hunger level.

Buff TechFriendly Overview[]

Every consumable food item the player comes across can fill up the hunger timer.

If the player were to starve themselves in the Story Mode, they will not die from it. Instead they'll have part of their stamina bar cut until they eat food again.

Starvation in Survival or Sandbox mode however, will make the player go through the process of dying. Giving them a few minutes to consume food before eventually keeling over and dying.

In the DLCs, Hunger is disabled, this is due to survival not being the main focus of those modes, so food is turned into healing items that'll increase the player's health.

Buff Tank Status Effects[]

Jerky and Victory Meat will give the player a stamina bonus for a certain period of time. The player can eat different kinds of foods to make the stamina bonus stack.

Honey and War Ration will give the player an Antichoke bonus, meaning they can enter toxic fog and regain health from the fumes.

Chunky Stew is the only food item that restores Hunger, Thirst, and Fatigue.

Most rotten foods, like Rancid Stew or Raw Meat, will cause the player to endure Food Poisoning, if the player continuously consumes these kinds of foods, they will eventually die.

Being well fed means the player's max stamina gets increased.
