The We Happy Few Wiki is still a work in progress that's held together by very few, hardworking people. We aim to make this wiki the most reliable source of information in relation to the game as can be.
The following rules/guidelines apply to all users.
- Keep everything related to We Happy Few
- The wiki is always updating, and is nowhere near complete. If you find anything that contradicts what's said on a page, either add to the page, comment, or contact an admin
- Vandalism will not be tolerated
- Vandalism includes; spamming, edit wars, content removal, and adding unnecessary/unrelated text
- If you find someone breaking the rules but it hasn't been dealt with, contact an Admin and let them know
- Always link back to We Happy Few near the beginning of the page
- Use British English spelling; grey, neighbour, colour, humour, theatre, practice, recognise, etc.
- Write in third person; "The player will find ..." instead of "You will find ..."
- Unless you're a frequent editor, describe the changes you've made to a page. It can be as simple as "Grammar"
- If you find faulty grammar, correct it
- Refrain from vulgar language, unless it's directly stated by a character in the game
- If identified, ripped files and art from the game should always be credited to the individual artist who worked on it
- Don't add unrelated categories
- Always cite external sources
- Keep the Trivia ranked by the length of the sentences; shortest at the top, longest at the bottom
- May not apply to extra trivia underneath the first one
- Always keep information up-to-date, no information that only applies to older versions/comes from dated sources
- May not apply to pages about old/removed content from the game
- Role: Protagonist/Deuteragonist/Antagonist/Enemy/NPC
- Position: Profession/Role in Society
- Age: 0 - Ancient
- Status: Alive/Deceased, depends on how the player first finds the character.
- Gender: Male/Female/Indiscernible/Unknown
- Hair Color: Black/Brown/Blonde/Red/Random
- Eye Color: Brown/Blue/Green/Random
- Mother: Name and link
- Father: Name and link
- Siblings: Name and link
- Appears In: Act or DLC
- Voice Actor: Name and link to Voice Actors/Unknown
- Category: What is the item classified as?
- Stack Size: 1 - 99
- Protection: None/Light/Moderate/Heavy
- Conformity: Where is it okay to wear the item?
- Armour: None/Light/Moderate/Heavy
- Visibility: None/Light/Moderate/Heavy
- Noise: None/Light/Moderate/Heavy
- Damage: None/Light/Moderate/Heavy
- Value: What's it worth?
- Weight: How much does it weigh?
- Hunger: 00''0' or %
- Thirst: 00''0' or %
- Joy: %
- Health: %
- Craftable: Yes or no
- Materials: Name and link
- Description: What's said under the weight/value, should not be confused for the item's effects
- Console Command: What's the command name for the item to spawn?
- Category: What is the item classified as?
- Stack Size: 1 - 99
- Value: What's it worth?
- Weight: How much does it weigh?
- Damage: Light/Moderate/Heavy
- Effort: A Little/Moderate/A Lot
- Speed: Very Slow/Slow/Fast/ Very Fast
- Craftable: Yes or no
- Materials: Name and link
- Description: What's said under the weight/value, should not be confused for the item's effects
- Console Command: What's the command name for the item to spawn?
- Be civil and kind to each other
- Always check the date of a comment or post before responding so as to avoid necroposting.
- Keep comments/discussions related to the page or game
- Freedom of speech ≠ Hate speech. Discrimination directed towards any individual will not be tolerated