We Happy Few Wiki

Edmund "Ed/Eddie" MacMillan is a character in We Happy Few, encountered by Arthur Hastings, Sally Boyle, and Ollie Starkey in their respective Acts.

Buff EasilyForgotten Appearance[]

Edmund is a grown man wearing a blue delivery outfit, including a blue hat with a cleaver in front. Like the other Wellies, he wears a Happy Face Mask with round glasses on top.

He has a thick, Bristol accent.

Buff TypicallyBritish History[]

Edmund was the first, and possibly only, friend of Percival Hastings (besides Arthur). Getting along together well, most likely because they're both described by in game NPCs (such as Victoria) as being "dim" or "slow", Edmund often praised Percy for what he considered to be genius.

Arthur seemed to get along with Edmund as well, appreciating his friendship with Percy.

He was 13 by the time the kids were taking on the train, making him too old to go, hence why he's present in Wellington Wells. Arthur is surprised to learn that Edmund has become the Butcher's delivery boy.

The people at the pub seem to fancy Edmund, sometimes giving him treats. The bartender also gets very mad at the sight of seeing Edmund hurt, and is willing to kill the Plough Boys for it.

Margaret Worthing recognizes Edmund, stating he was in the class just before her. She also says he was sweet, saving birds that fell out of nests.

Buff PureBliss Events of We Happy Few[]

Act I[]

Edmund is discovered to still be alive by Arthur when he talks to the impatient women waiting for their packages. It turns out that Edmund is the delivery boy, and Arthur sets out to find him, only to discover that the Plough Boys, the local street gang, have beaten him up and broken his legs.

After dispatching the gang, Arthur carries Edmund to a nearby pub to get medical attention, and Edmund asks him to deliver the rest of the meat for him, commenting on how Percy always said that he was "good."

Act II[]

Edmund is abducted by cultists, who convinced him to follow them with the promise of sweets. Sally is told of his location by Jane Rowbothome. Edmund, after being rescued, exclaims his gratitude to Sally, but can't move on his own, as his legs still appear to be broken. Sally later sends Cap'n Strawbeard to help him get back to the pub.

Act III[]

Ollie encounters Edmund in the pub, asking him why he doesn't have any crutches on him. He explains that they suddenly disappeared, asking Ollie if he thinks someone took them. Ollie then suggests to make new ones for him.

After Edmund is given the new crutches, he says that Ollie is very, very good.

Buff SilverTongue Quotes[]

Act I[]

Leaving Ed Behind[]

  • Arthur! Don't leave me here!
  • Arthur! Arthur! Please! No!
  • Arthur! Where did you go? Arthur! No no no no no no no no no no!


  • Did you find Percy yet?
  • When you find him, tell him I miss him, please?
  • You're good, Arthur.
  • Do you know how long it takes for broken legs to get unbroken?
  • I won a game of darts! I'm a real champion!
  • It's hard to go for a wee. Because I can't walk.
  • They're very nice to me here. Sometimes he lets me wash the glasses.
  • Mr. Cutty isn't mad at me, is he?

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • If forced into combat, he'll make remarks as if he was a Wastrel.
  • According to Cap'n Strawbeard, Edmund is very resilient, and that it takes a lot to knock him down.
  • He is one of the most reoccurring NPCs in the game, as he is encountered by all three playable characters.
  • Edmund seems to have been the only friend Percy had, other than Arthur, before he was taken to Germany.
  • Edmund, just like Percy, is heavily implied to be autistic. Evident by how they're described by the people who knew them.
    • It's unknown if he learns the truth about Reg Cutty and the atrocities he unknowingly helped with, as Reg says Edmund's disorders limit his capabilities, and worries Edmund would get hurt by such machinery.
  • Edmund and his associated quest, Superb Meat Boy, is a reference to the game, Super Meat Boy and its creator, Edmund McMillen.
    • Edmund approved of the reference and even suggested Ed could have a beard. Though this never got implemented.
    • The original tweet can no longer be accessed due to a deleted account.
  • Edmund may not even take Joy at all; given his condition. This would make sense since he still remembers Percy even without having any possible reminders of him. And, unlike most Wellies who appear happy but still act very grim, Ed seems to be naturally Joyful.

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