Duct Tape is a crafting component in We Happy Few.
Duct Tape is a very useful component that is used to craft a variety of different weapons, gadgets, and other items.
It's a roll of silver-coloured adhesive tape coated in polythelyne.
Duct Tape is used to craft the following:
- Crutches
- Dart
- Double Knocker
- The "Double Plus Wood"
- Electro-Lock Shocker
- Head Knocker
- The "Just Not Cricket" Bat
- Lightning Rod
- Nappy
- Repair Kit
- Spawner Repair Kit
- Toilet Repair Kit
- The "Sandman"
- Shock Grenade
- Shortspike
- Sneaky Shoes
- Spiky Brick
- Torch (Empty)
- The "Winning Argument"
Old Content[]
Adhesive, now known as Duct Tape, has been in the game since the Pre-Alpha 11219 build.
Adhesive was Crafting Component that the player needed in order to craft various items.
It took up 1 slot in the player's inventory, and it could not be placed in the player's quickslot.
Adhesive was used to craft the following:
- Desk
- Small Crate
- Wastrel Corpse
- Sold at Vending machine