We Happy Few Wiki

Duct Tape is a crafting component in We Happy Few.

Buff TechFriendly Overview[]

Duct Tape is a very useful component that is used to craft a variety of different weapons, gadgets, and other items.

Buff EasilyForgotten Appearance[]

It's a roll of silver-coloured adhesive tape coated in polythelyne.

Buff LuckyBreak Locations[]

Buff BuiltToLast Crafting[]

Duct Tape is used to craft the following:

Buff Preservasionist Gallery[]

Old Content[]

Adhesive, now known as Duct Tape, has been in the game since the Pre-Alpha 11219 build.

Buff TechFriendly Overview[]

Adhesive was Crafting Component that the player needed in order to craft various items.

It took up 1 slot in the player's inventory, and it could not be placed in the player's quickslot.

Buff BuiltToLast Crafting[]

Adhesive was used to craft the following:

Buff LuckyBreak Locations[]
