We Happy Few Wiki

Crates are wooden containers in We Happy Few.

Buff EasilyForgotten Variations[]

Crates are large wooden boxes with holes on the sides to be carried, and a lid that can be pried open. There is dirt and scraps inside of the crates.

Buff LuckyBreak Location[]

At the very beginning of Act I, a Crate can be found inside of the abandoned house closest to the Garden District Rules sign.

In Mrs. Chaney's House, as well as Sally's old home, there are three Crates in the boiler room.

There's at least one crate in every Hatch, Wastrel's House, and Cellar, with the exception of Root Cellars.

Buff WaitForIt Function[]

Crates tend to be shut, but can be pried open with Jimmy Bars.

Buff Forager Loot[]

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • Brown crates cannot be interacted with.
  • Sometimes there are red crates that look like they can be interacted with, but can't.
  • The original yellow crate, while not interactible, is sometimes used as environmental decor in the final game.

Buff Preservasionist Gallery[]

3D Models[]



Old Content[]

Small Crates have been in the game since the Pre-Alpha 11219 build, in which they could be searched through to gather items and other components.

Buff EasilyForgotten Variations[]

Crates were yellow wooden boxes without any handles or way to look inside.

Buff LuckyBreak Location[]

Mainly found inside of Houses in the Garden District.

Buff Forager Loot[]

Buff Preservasionist Gallery[]
