We Happy Few Wiki
We Happy Few Wiki

The Materials Tab

Crafting Components are loose materials in We Happy Few that are required to have if the player wants to craft tools, weapons, outfits, or even food.

Buff TechFriendly Overview[]

To get Crafting Components, the player simply has to search their environment. Components can be found on top of unsearchable objects such as shelves, tables, bathtubs, etc. or they can be found by searching containers such as rubbish piles, lockers, or chests.

Many components can only appear in specific containers of varying quantity, like Saltpeter in cupboards or Sewing Kits in Vanities. It is also possible for no component to appear at all.

There are a couple of components that only appear in Act II.

Loose Components[]

Icon Name
VinylIcon 45 RPM Record
MachineBitsIcon Advanced Machine Bits
Antiseptic-0 Antiseptic
SplinterIcon Big Splinter
BlackPowderIcon Black Powder
BleachIcon Bleach
BobbypinsIcon Bobby Pin
HelmetIcon-0 Broken Helmet
CharcoalIcon Charcoal
ChlorineIcon Chlorine
ClothScrapIcon Cloth Scrap
ClothCoarseIcon Coarse Linen
CoffeeIcon "Coffee" Beans
CardIcon Constable's Keycard
ClothDarkIcon Dark Linen
DuctTapeIcon Duct Tape
AtomizerIcon Empty Atomizer
Empty Pill Bottle icon Empty Pill Bottle
EmptySyringeIcon Empty Syringe
ClothEphemeralIcon Ephemeral Linen
Feather Feather
ClothFineIcon Fine Linen
FlourIcon Flour Bag
HallucinogenIcon Hallucinogen
JubilatorIcon Jubilator Activator
LeatherIcon Leather Scraps
LightBulbIcon Light Bulb
ScrewIcon Loose Screw
MechBitsIcon Mechanical Bits
MetalBitsIcon Metal Bits
MetalTubeIcon Metal Tube
NonsuchFlowerIcon Night Blooming Nonsuch
PhytosteroidIcon Phytosteroid
Pituitary3 Pituitary Fluid
GileadPetalIcon Rose of Gilead Petal
BerryRowanIcon Rowan Berry
DuckIcon Rubber Duck
RubbingAlcoholIcon Rubbing Alcohol
SaltpeterIcon Saltpeter
SewingKitIcon Sewing Kit
RaincoatIcon Shredded Raincoat
SugarIcon Sugar
Tea Cup icon Tea Cup
TeaLeavesIcon Tea Leaves
BrokenGasmaskIcon Used up Gasmask
VinegarIcon Vinegar
Act II Components
Butterflyicon Butterfly
FoxgloveIcon Foxglove Seeds
ToxicwaterIcon Toxic Waste Water

Crafted Compontents[]

Icon Name
ChlorineIcon Chlorine
HallucinogenIcon Hallucinogen
Act II Components
BloodToxinIcon Blood Toxin
DigitalaxIcon Digitalax
Hallucinex Hallucinex
KnockoutIcon Knockout Juice
MercuryIcon Mercury Amalgam
SleeptiteIcon Sleeptite
VelvetIcon Velvety Emulsion

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • Whether an item is within a container or not is only determined once the player has searched the container.