A Compliment Machine that is turned on and in 'Auto' mode. This particular one is found in The Hippo Club.
- "I've got a new Compliment Machine! It's so clever!"
- — Wellie response to greeting.
A Compliment Machine is a robotic device that gives the player and nearby NPCs pre-recorded compliments, both automatically and on command.
A special Compliment Machine serves as the host of the "Oh, Behave!" rehabilitation quiz, this Compliment Machine moves on rails and uses a much wider array of voice recordings to run the show, as she calls on the questioners to present their questions, as well as commenting on the answers the participants gave.
The player can interact with a Compliment Machine by pressing the large red button at the front, this changes the machine's mode between 'Manual', 'Auto' and 'Off'.
When in 'Manual' mode, Compliment Machines will only give compliments when interacted with while in 'Auto' mode, they will give compliments to anyone that approaches them (player or NPC). 'Off' simply means it's off.
If the player is unable to press the button for a compliment, they'll have to turn the machine off and on again.
This Feature Is No Longer In The Game:[]
When a Compliment Machine was tampered with to give back-handed compliments, its eyes would turn red as its head spun in some directions. The voice box's pitch would raise and lower while giving the insult.
Compliment Machines are roughly human-size robotic machines that consist of a cylindrical, roughly torso-shaped body of a man or woman. On top of the upper-torso is a neck with a human-like head. When interacted with, the jaws open to give a compliment.
When the machine is turned off, its head will lower and the eyes turn off.
The front of the Compliment Machine's body has a Power Cell that sits in a housing on the hip portion of the machine, and the upper portion has an interface which consists of a metallic-grey plate surrounded by a frame of multi-colored lights, the center of which is a red button and a rotating text sign which shows what mode the machine is in.
The whole body of the machine is covered with white plates while the head appears to be a facsimile of the Happy Face Masks that the Wellies wear, with glowing eyes in its sockets. The eyes will glow a bright green when giving a compliment, while also turning its head towards the receiver.
There are two variants of the Compliment Machine, either depicting a man or a woman. The female version has a ring of colorful petals around its head, while the male version has rainbow coloured hair.
- Clayton Center of Art & Design
- The Hippo Club
- Julia Chaney's House
- Sally's Interplanetary Travel Agency
- If only they were all like you.
- I'm honored to know you.
- People should listen to you more often.
- They don't make them like you anymore.
- We all appreciate what you do.
- When they made you, they broke the mold!
- You have such a wonderful sense of humor.
- You just get better everyday!
- You really bring out the best of us.
- You're a credit to us all!
Woman (Title Screen)[]
- Aren't you a breath of fresh air.
- Everyone loves you!
- I love your style!
- If only we could all be more like you!
- Nobody does it better!
- People should listen to you more often.
- The neighbours must be so jealous!
- They must be so proud of you!
- They ought to give you a medal!
- They'd be lost without you!
- You have such a great attitude!
- You just get better and better!
- You're A number 1!
- You're a candle in the dark, aren't you!
- You're a font of inspiration!
- You're on top of the list!
- You're the icing on our cake!
- You're the top!
- You're the wind beneath our wings!
- You've surpassed all expectations!
Man (Title Screen)[]
- I'm impressed with what you've done with all the talents that you have.
- No one tells a joke quite like you.
- Nothing stops you, does it.
- You certainly are a clever one, aren't you.
- You certainly are sharp, there is no denying that.
- You have such a ... unique style.
- You must have worked hard to get this far.
- You really give us an opportunity for Christian charity, don't you.
- You're brave to go out like that.
- You've done well for yourself, considering.
Woman (Title Screen)[]
- A little powder would cover that right up.
- Are you getting enough sleep?
- Hmmmm. Oh, just thinking to myself.
- I hope you get everything you deserve.
- I love how hard you try.
- I'm sure she meant it as a joke.
- Life is too short to worry about all the things people say about you.
- Oh, I'm sure they don't mean it.
- That's an inventive combination, isn't it?
- What a creative way to wear your hair. Did you do it yourself?
- Who'd have thought you'd get this far?
- You look wonderful for your age.
- If the player presses the H on the logo during the title screen, they'll either get a compliment, or a backhanded compliment.
- Some Wellies will say that they recently got a compliment machine, despite compliment machines never appearing in their houses.
- There is a Compliment Machine hidden in an inaccessible room in Nick Lightbearer's house, by using console commands it is possible to access it and if interacted with, it will say the following:
- "En - chan - té!"
- "Do come in. Mr. Lightbearer has been expecting you."
- "Do you have a warrant?"
- "I am sorry, Mr. Lightbearer is indisposed. Please come back tomorrow."
- "I assure you she has not been here, nor has she ever been here. Mr. Lightbearer doesn't even know your wife."
- "Mr. Lightbearer apologizes for missing tea Sunday night, but he was very sick. He knows you cooked his favorite. Of course he still loves you, you are his mother."
- "Mr. Lightbearer is not seeing anyone, except Miss Boyle. Are you Miss Boyle? No? Then go away."
- "Mr. Lightbearer will be delighted to see you. This way to the living room, if you please."
- "Please be gentle. Mr. Lightbearer has a bad back."
- "Please leave it on the console. Mr. Lightbearer said to tell you that you are his favorite fan."
- "Please leave the food on the kitchen table, you may keep the change."
- "Please leave the wine on the coffee table, you may keep the change."
- "You've arrived on a rather special night, it's one of the master's affairs."
- In earlier versions of the game, the machines were placed outside on the streets and would compliment the player when nearby, this was done to make the streets more difficult to pass through during the night. This has since been changed.
- In earlier versions of the game, the polarity of the machines could be reversed, causing them to spit out insulting, backhanded compliments that would distract and anger nearby bystanders, allowing the player to slip by. This feature was also removed.
- A reference to this feature re-appears in We Happy Few: Uncle Jack Live VR as one of the news segments.