We Happy Few Wiki

Cap'n Strawbeard is a former sea captain living in St. George's Holm above the pub.

Buff EasilyForgotten Appearance[]

He wears a brown suit with a white cravat, brown pants, an eyepatch over his left eye, and a tricorne hat. A rat sits on his shoulder in place of a parrot.

He is somewhat of a heavy drinker, as a long trail of dropped Scotch bottles (and puddles of spilled alcohol) leads from the pub to his apartment and his apartment contains several empty Glass Bottles. Sally also finds a huge pile of Scotch bottles strewn across shelter the Ravensholm.

Buff PureBliss Events of We Happy Few[]

Act II[]

Sally Boyle needs to find the captain in order to get instructions on how to fix Robert Byng's boat. She heads to The Pub where Cap'n Strawbeard is often seen, though the bartender informs her that he is not there but that he was last seen on Wednesday's Hill.

Sally heads there, where she finds Cap'n Strawbeard crying outside the door. He tells her that Eddie has been kidnapped by The Yam Cult and that he himself is too scared to rescue him. Sally steps in and rescues Eddie, thus getting a book on boats from Cap'n Strawbeard in gratitude. Strawbeard then heads to carry Eddie back to safety in Hamlyn.


Later on, if the player goes close to the pub, they'll be stopped by Strawbeard who tells her to come up to his flat from his apartment. Sally makes her way up to Strawbeard's apartment where the Captain asks her to rescue a stuffed dog from the Plough Boys. Sally agrees to do so and after liberating the Salty Dog from the Plough Boys, Strawbeard gives her the key to every treasure chest in his apartment.

Sally is suspicious as to why the captain is so keen on a stuffed dog and proceeds to cut the dog open behind Strawbeard's back, revealing the one and only Hope Diamond.

Buff Conformist Trivia[]

  • If the player searches all of the treasure chests found in Cap'n Strawbeard's apartment, they will unlock the locations for 10 different dig spots scattered throughout the map, which contains buried chests with various kinds of loot in them.
    • This is a shout-out to the common pop-culture trope of pirates burying their treasure, it also implies that Cap'n Strawbeard himself created the dig spots found throughout Wellington Wells by burying his treasure throughout the city during his time as a sea captain before settling down in Hamlyn Village.
  • Strawbeard confesses to Sally that he hasn't been on a boat since 15 years ago, conveniently the same amount of years it's been since a baby was born in Wellington Wells.

Buff Preservasionist Gallery[]
