We Happy Few Wiki

Blueprints are pieces of paper that give the player access to a new craftable item in We Happy Few.

Buff SluggerAgain Gameplay[]

Blueprints are found all throughout Wellington Wells, and can either be discovered by the player or rewarded by completing quests.

Upon receiving a blueprint, the player simply unlocks the ability to craft the item that the blueprint was for.

Buff LuckyBreak Locations[]

The best way to find blueprints is by finding Workbenches and Chemistry Sets, as they each can have 0-2 Blueprints displayed on the surface. The stations are located in Hatches, houses in the Garden District, and other special locations such as Sally's Interplanetary Travel Agency or Nick Lightbearer's Fab Pad.

The other method of finding blueprints is to complete quests, as they will be rewarded to the player after completing them.

Blueprints are randomized, meaning their spawn point is not tied to a certain location. If the player is looking for a specific item, such as Sunshine, they'd have to search the whole map in order to find it. However, some blueprints, such as Rubber Cat Suit, can only be found by completing the quest, Looks Like Rain.

Old Content[]

Blueprints have existed since the alpha builds of We Happy Few, with the exact same purpose as today.

Buff TechFriendly Overview[]

Blueprints could be found by completing quests, or by searching for them in the overworld.

Blueprints could spawn on Workbenches and Chemistry Sets, but they could also appear on top of benches in small parks, located in the Garden District. The blueprints were still randomized.
